Sunday, November 2, 2014

Doug Wheeler's 'Infinity Environment' at Zwirner

After reading and reviewing the article, Doug Wheeler's 'infinity environment' at Zwirner by Tyler Green I think that readers will leave the article with a different perception on space. I believe this because when we think of space we often think of what makes up the space rather than the space itself and after reading the descriptions of the Infinity Room I think it actually makes the reader think about space and how they experience different spaces more critically. When interacting within the space of the Infinity Room I think that the architect felt as if he were a genius of some sort, because this space that he has created is mind blowing and gets people critically thinking about space and as well as light due to the fact that when experiencing that space you cannot tell what is real and what is not real. I personally, would love to experience the Infinity Room I think that it makes you skeptically think about life and how you experience everything. When experiencing this room it will make you more aware of light and unaware of the space within the exhibit lies, because of the lightening and color affects you won't know what's real and what isn't real. After reading this article I learned that natural light as well as artificial lights can be very misleading in that it is very tangible to the eye. This article also makes you wonder if the things that you see every day due to natural light and the intensity and temperature of it, are real or are illusions.