Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Heating Ventilators and Air Conditioning 

America's Major Heating Systems

Korea's Major Heating System

What's the difference?

In Korean heating systems, the system heats the floor due to the Ondol Heating System and in America our heating system heats the entire room through an insulation system. America's Insulation system has three major components, radiating, conduction, and convection. Radiation is the transfer of heat, conduction is the movement of the heat through materials, and convection is the movement of the heat around the room. These heating systems solely affect the culture because people react to the different systems differently. For example since the heat comes from the floor in Korea it is culturally acceptable that when you enter a house you remove your shoes, also they are more likely to sit on the grounds rather than at desks or dining tables because the ground is where the heat comes from. While in America, we feel the heat through radiation. Due to Insulation system, radiation causes the heat to completely fill the room, so this does not really impact where we sit to get our warmness. Americans can sit on the floor, at a desk, or even lay in the bed and still feel the heat. American's may also walk into their house and not take their shoes off, even though most people do, due to keeping their house clean. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Doug Wheeler's 'Infinity Environment' at Zwirner

After reading and reviewing the article, Doug Wheeler's 'infinity environment' at Zwirner by Tyler Green I think that readers will leave the article with a different perception on space. I believe this because when we think of space we often think of what makes up the space rather than the space itself and after reading the descriptions of the Infinity Room I think it actually makes the reader think about space and how they experience different spaces more critically. When interacting within the space of the Infinity Room I think that the architect felt as if he were a genius of some sort, because this space that he has created is mind blowing and gets people critically thinking about space and as well as light due to the fact that when experiencing that space you cannot tell what is real and what is not real. I personally, would love to experience the Infinity Room I think that it makes you skeptically think about life and how you experience everything. When experiencing this room it will make you more aware of light and unaware of the space within the exhibit lies, because of the lightening and color affects you won't know what's real and what isn't real. After reading this article I learned that natural light as well as artificial lights can be very misleading in that it is very tangible to the eye. This article also makes you wonder if the things that you see every day due to natural light and the intensity and temperature of it, are real or are illusions.

Sunday, October 12, 2014



Buildings are designed based upon their location and also their purpose. Every buildings location is very important because the size of the location depicts what the building will look like and how it will be designed. The interior of the design is solely based upon the way that the building is built. Lastly, what goes into the interior of the building is based upon the space provided in the building. 

Scale is universal and it affects just about everything. Throughout Unit 2 we learned about different buildings and places and did activities that went along with that topic. Most of the activities were hands on and visual and this helped me understand how scale exactly works. For example after watching the Powers of 10 video everyone created a rendered square and as we put them together we learned that if the squares weren't the right scale then the composition as a whole is a failure. In class we also constructed a model of a Palladio Village out of boxes. During this project we also learned that scale is very important because if objects were too tall or too short they didn't fit in right. In review I learned that scale is very important and it affects absolutely everything that is man made. 


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Palladio in Western Architecture


         Andrea Palladio has influenced European architecture like no one else in European architecture. Even in the 17th century Andrea Palladio was looked at as superior as well as classical because of his literature as well as architecture. Palladio also influenced architecture all the way in England, Germany, Northern Europe, and the United States. Palladio created many villas in Venetian Republic and many were inspired by the design of them as well as his literature because it referenced the Renaissance period.  

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Rose Window



Hues Contrast Each Other

As Light Shines Through Glass

Forming Rose Windows 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian Columns.



                                         Doric Columns

Doric Columns are one of three different designs of columns constructed by the Greeks in ancient times. Doric Columns are very classical and are used in historical sightings such as the Parthenon and are also still used in modern day buildings. The capitals of Doric columns are smooth and somewhat plain compared to the other designs that the Greeks used on columns. Trigly and Metopes are what makes up the designs of Doric columns, for they are the design of the columns.

     Ionic Columns

 An Ionic Column is another type of design of columns that the Greeks and later Romans used to create their buildings. Unlike the Doric Columns the Ionic columns have much more design and the capitals of the columns are decorated and curved. Ionic Columns are also used to make up modern day buildings. 

                                                                                                                                                  Corinthian Columns 

Corinthian Columns are more ornate than both the Doric and Ionic Columns. The capitals of Corinthian Columns are decorated with acanthus leaves and scrolls. Corinthian Columns were the last decorated columns by the Greeks and are also still very popular in modern buildings today. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Klismos Chair

                                       KLISMOS CHAIR

Klismos Chair  
Modern Day Klismos Chair

The Klismos Chair is an Ancient Greek chair that looks as if it were designed specifically for the comfort humans. The use of wood and not concrete or other heavy material at that time gives special meaning to this chair, such as warmth. Carving the curved legs and the curved back of the chair would have been very difficult during those times because wood isn't that easy to manipulate. Also, the way the actual seat was made looks as it were a sturdy net to hold humans. Today you can find the Klismos Chair in many locations. There are lots of replicas of the chair, and the chair is also featured in many paintings, drawings and different potteries all over the world.  

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